1,050 bytes added ,  13:49, 21 September 2022
Added website keys and CSRs
(Added details for work in progress.)
(Added website keys and CSRs)
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[Next, details about the openssl pipeline to sign and encrypt the smime attachment.]
[Next, details about the openssl pipeline to sign and encrypt the smime attachment.]
== Keys and CSRs for websites ==
=== Create Key ===
Create the new RSA key. This should be done for each new certificate and should remain on the server it is intended for.
<pre>$ openssl genrsa -out www.mydomain.com.key 2048
$ chmod 400 www.mydomain.com.key</pre>
=== Create CSR ===
# Make a local copy of openssl.cnf
# Uncomment the line about v3_extensions<pre>req_extensions = v3_req</pre>
# Add a subjectAlternativeName under basicConstraints and keyUsage
    <pre>basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = DNS:www.mydomain.com,DNS:mydomain.com,DNS:other.mydomain.com</pre>
There is some debate whether wildcard domains can be SANs. I think they can.<p>
Now create the CSR for the website.<pre>$ openssl req -new -key www.mydomain.com.key -sha256 -config openssl.cnf -subj 'C=GB/ST=Yorkshire/L=Leeds/O=Company Name/OU=Company IT Dept/CN=www.mydomain.com' > www.mydomain.com.csr</pre>
The file <i>www.mydomain.com.csr</i> can be provided to the certificate authority for signing.